
By smartapps

Updated over 5 years ago

Docker image for Phan



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Docker image for Phan

Inspired by cloudflare/docker-phan and mre/docker-php-phan.

Getting docker-phan

The easiest way to use docker-phan is to create a shell function for “phan” that makes makes it nearly transparent that phan is running inside Docker.

phan() { docker run -v $PWD:/mnt/src --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" smartapps/phan:latest $@; return $?; }

Running docker-phan

If you’re just getting started with Phan, you should follow Phan’s excellent [Tutorial for Analyzing A Large Sloopy Code Base][phan-tutorial] to setup the initial configuration for your project.

All of Phan’s command line flags can be passed to docker-phan.


To create an “analysis.txt” in the current directory for farther processing

phan -po analysis.txt

Docker Pull Command

docker pull smartapps/phan