
By smilence86

Updated 9 months ago

Tracking your chia wallets and receiving notifications when balance of account changed.

Monitoring & Observability



Tracking your chia wallets and receiving notifications when balance of account changed.

You can configure multi-wallets to tracking, notifier for multi-users to receiving, It's safe and will not leak your wallet address or something else, run it at your own local devices without risk.

It's open source and easy to use with docker, support multi-arch such as x86, arm.

Get wechat sckey or telegram token

Currently there are two ways to get notifications:

Wechat serverChan:
Telegram bot:

Edit config

    "interval": 5,
    "accounts": [
            "wallet": "xch1******",
            "notifier": {
                "wechat": [
                        "name": "loki",
                        "enable": true,
                        "sckey": ""
                "telegram": [
                        "name": "loki",
                        "enable": true,
                        "token": "166*******:AA*******************",
                        "chat_id": "42*******"
            "history": [

Run with docker

docker run --name chia_tracker --restart always -d -v /folder_path/config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai smilence86/chia_tracker:latest
  • Replacing "folder_path" with yours.

  • Available timezones are here: timezones

Check log

docker logs -f --tail 500 chia_tracker

Upgrade docker image

# stop container
docker stop chia_tracker

# delete container
docker rm chia_tracker

# delete image
docker rmi smilence86/chia_tracker:latest

# download newest image
docker pull smilence86/chia_tracker:latest

# run container again
docker run -d --name chia_tracker --restart=always --init -v /folder_path/config.json:/usr/src/app/config/default.json -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai smilence86/chia_tracker:latest

Statistic docker container

docker stats chia_tracker

Test notifications

You can make a test with faucets below:

or visit to get more.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull smilence86/chia_tracker