a build env for Rustlang applications targeting the aws lambda provided runtime
This docker image extends lambda ci provided
builder docker image, a faithful reproduction of the actual AWS "provided" Lambda runtime environment,
and installs rustup and the stable rust toolchain.
Tags for this docker image follow the naming convention softprops/lambda-rust:{version}-rust-{rust-stable-version}
where {rust-stable-version}
is a stable version of rust.
You can find a list of available docker tags here
💡 If you don't find the version you're looking for, please open a new github issue to publish one
You can also depend directly on softprops/lambda-rust:latest
for the most recently published version.
The default docker entrypoint will build a packaged release optimized version your Rust artifact under target/lambda/release
isolate the lambda specific build artifacts from your host-local build artifacts.
⚠️ Note: you can switch from the
profile to a custom profile likedev
by providing aPROFILE
environment variable set to the name of the desired profile. i.e.-e PROFILE=dev
in your docker run
⚠️ Note: you can include debug symbols in optimized release build binaries by setting
. By default, debug symbols will be stripped from the release binary and set aside in a separate .debug file.
You will want to volume mount /code
to the directory containing your cargo project.
You can pass additional flags to cargo
, the Rust build tool, by setting the CARGO_FLAGS
docker env variable
A typical docker run might look like the following.
$ docker run --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/code \
-v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/root/.cargo/registry \
-v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/root/.cargo/git \
💡 The -v (volume mount) flags for
are optional but when supplied, provides a much faster turn around when doing iterative development
If you are using Windows, the command above may need to be modified to include
environment variable set to the name of the binary to be build and packaged
$ docker run --rm \
-e BIN={your-binary-name} \
-v ${PWD}:/code \
-v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/root/.cargo/registry \
-v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/root/.cargo/git \
If you want to set up ad hoc lambda functions or have another reason to not to go with full blown devops orchestration tools, there's a cargo subcommand to compile your code into a zip file and deploy it to an existing function. This comes with only rust and docker as dependencies.
$ cargo install cargo-aws-lambda
To compile and deploy in your project directory
$ cargo aws-lambda {your aws function's full ARN} {your-binary-name}
To list all options
$ cargo aws-lambda --help
More instructions can be found here.
Once you've built a Rust lambda function artifact, the provided
runtime expects
deployments of that artifact to be named "bootstrap". The lambda-rust
docker image
builds a zip file, named after the binary, containing your binary files renamed to "bootstrap"
You can invoke this bootstap executable with the lambda-ci docker image for the provided
AWS lambda runtime.
# start a docker container replicating the "provided" lambda runtime
# awaiting an event to be provided via stdin
$ unzip -o \
target/lambda/release/{your-binary-name}.zip \
-d /tmp/lambda && \
docker run \
--rm \
-v /tmp/lambda:/var/task \
# provide an event payload via stdin (typically a json blob)
# Ctrl-D to yield control back to your function
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2018
docker pull softprops/lambda-rust