
By softwareagko

Updated over 4 years ago

It is a demo repository for the Microservices Runtime of Software AG.



Created at 19-Nov-2020

The official repository of Software AG URL :

How to use these images

Starting an empty Microservices Runtime

You can startup an empty Microservices Rutime (MSR) by simply running the container:

docker run -dp 5555:5555 softwareagko/msr:


docker run -dp 5555:5555 store/softwareag/softwareagko/msr:

This will start up an empty MSR with the default port exposed. You can then use the webMethods client tooling to develop or deploy an application on the MSR.

You can also connect with your browser using http://:5555 (User: Administrator Password:manage) to view the admin console.

Creating an image which loads custom packages at startup time

To create an MSR image which contains pre-deployed packages, include your packages in the image.

Add a Docker file with the following and create a new application_image using Docker build

FROM store/softwareag/softwareagko/msr:
COPY * /opt/softwareag/IntegrationServer/packages


FROM store/softwareag/softwareagko/msr:
COPY * /opt/softwareag/IntegrationServer/packages

The application can then be started with:
docker run -dp 5555:5555 application_image

Free trial restrictions

Without a commercial license, this free trial edition is time-limited to 365 days.


License terms for this product and third party products can be found here:

If you wish to purchase a commercial license for webMethods MSR, please contact us here:

Base Image

This product references the official centos or alpine image as its base image.

Software AG is not responsible for the contents of this base image and other images that may be the base of this image.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull softwareagko/msr