Send your text to pastebin at the commandline with docker
Use the image directly from docker, here's some examples:
docker run -it staff0rd/pastebin -k <devKey> "paste this text to pastebin!"
docker run -it staff0rd/pastebin --help # get help
cat myfile.log | docker run -i staff0rd/pastebin -k <devKey> -j <userKey> -t "Contents of myfile.log" # push the contents of myfile.log at pastebin under your user
cat myfile.log | docker run -i staff0rd/pastebin -k <devKey> # push the contents of myfile.log at pastebin as a guest post
docker run -it staff0rd/pastebin -k <devKey> -u <userName> --password <password> # get a userkey to use above
cd src
# restore composer packages
docker run --rm -it -cv $PWD:/app composer install # linux
docker run --rm -it -v %cd%:/app composer install # windows
# run
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app -w /app php:cli php pastebin.php # linux
docker run --rm -it -v %cd%:/app -w /app php:cli php pastebin.php # windows
To build the stand-alone docker image:
docker build -t staff0rd/pastebin .
docker pull staff0rd/pastebin