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By Stanford University

Updated over 5 years ago

Wraps CVC4 in a convenient HTTP API

API Management
Integration & Delivery
Machine Learning & AI


An HTTP frontend for CVC4

Build Status

CVC4 is a powerful Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver and theorem prover developed. This package provides an HTTP frontend server that allows to serve SMT requests using CVC4.


This package depends on the CVC4 libraries (version 1.5 or 1.6, not 1.7), on libsoup, and on the meson build system.

On Ubuntu 18.04, you can install the dependencies with:

sudo apt install -y cvc4 libcvc4-dev libsoup2.4-dev libcln-dev meson ninja-build


meson build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

You can then run the server as /usr/local/bin/cvc4-http-server, and issue requests to Requests should be raw SMT-Lib 2.0 files, starting with a (set-logic) command, and terminating with (check-sat) or (get-model). By default the server listens on port 8400; set the PORT environment variable to change it.

The server does not support TLS; use a reverse proxy such as Apache or nginx instead.


This package is covered by the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version. See COPYING for details.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull stanfordoval/cvc4-http-server