
By svix

Updated 2 days ago



Svix - Webhooks as a service

Svix CLI

A CLI to interact with the Svix API.

With the Svix CLI, you can:

  • Interact with the Svix API
  • Validate Webhook payloads


Pre-built executables

Via installer scripts

Pre-built binaries are available for Linux, macOS via shell script installers.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

For Windows users, installation can be done via powershell:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

These scripts will install the binaries to ~/.svix/bin and also add this directory to your PATH by default.


Additionally, you can select executables to download directly from our releases page, and use them as is without having to install anything.

  1. Download and extract the archive for your operating system.
  2. Run the svix executable from the command line: ./svix help.
You may need to allow execution by running `chmod +x svix`.

You can also put the binaries anywhere in your PATH so you can run the command from anywhere without needing to provide its full path. On macOS or Linux you can achieve this by moving the executable to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin.


Installing the Svix CLI provides access to the svix command.

svix [command]

# Run `svix help` for information about the available commands
svix help

# or add the `--help` flag to any command for a more detailed description and list of flags
svix [command] --help

Using the listen command

The listen command creates an on-the-fly publicly accessible URL for use when testing webhooks.

You don't need a Svix account when using the `listen` command.

The cli then acts as a proxy, forwarding any requests to the given local URL. This is useful for testing your webhook server locally without having to open a port or change any NAT configuration on your network.


svix listen http://localhost:8000/webhook/


Webhook Relay is now listening at:

All requests on this endpoint will be forwarded to your local URL:

View logs and debug information at:

The above command will return you a unique URL and forward any POST requests it receives to http://localhost:8000/webhook/.

Interacting with the Svix Server

# Set your Auth Token temporarily via the SVIX_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable
# or to persistently store your auth token in a config file run
svix login # interactively configure your Svix API credentials

# Create an Application with the name "Demo"
svix application create '{ "name": "demo" }'

# List Applications
svix application list --limit 2 --iterator some_iterator


The Svix CLI supports the following commands:

loginInteractively configure your Svix API credentials
applicationList, create & modify applications
authenticationManage authentication tasks such as getting dashboard URLs
endpointList, create & modify endpoints
event-typeList, create & modify event types
messageList & create messages
message-attemptList, lookup & resend message attempts
signatureSign or Verify the signature of a webhook message
listenForward webhook requests a local url
integrationList, create & modify integrations
openQuickly open Svix pages in your browser
completionGenerate completion script
versionGet the version of the Svix CLI
helpHelp about any command

Shell Completions

Shell completion scripts are provided for bash, elvish, fish, powershell, and zsh.

To generate a script for your shell type svix completion <SHELL NAME>.

For detailed instructions on configuring completions for your shell run svix completion --help.

You can source the completion script automatically in your shell rc file.


eval "$(svix completion bash)"


For a more information, checkout our API reference.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull svix/svix-cli