node images for nodejs beautify check, lint, and unit test. Mostly used for serverless projects.
node images for nodejs beautify check, lint, and unit test (mocha). Mostly used for serverless projects.
If you need add more common packages for serverless project, raise PR.
New generation CI/CD pipeline can use docker image to run the build and deploy commands, this image is mostly used for this purpose.
Add below steps in CI/CD pipeline, such Circle CI, Drone, Buildkite, bitbucket pipeline, etc.
- if [ `find . -name "*.js" -exec js-beautify -r {} \; |grep -v unchanged |wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then echo "Some js files need be formatted, run 'js-beautify -r <name>.js' to fix"; exit 1; fi
docker pull svls/node