Swift development (nightly) snapshots.
You can find the Docker Hub repo here: https://hub.docker.com/_/swift/
docker pull swift
docker run -it swift /bin/bash
If you want to run the Swift REPL you will need to run the container with additional privileges:
# If running Docker on Linux:
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -it swift
# If running Docker on macOS:
docker run --privileged -it swift
We also provide a "slim" image. Slim images are images designed just for running an already built Swift program. Consequently, they do not contain the Swift compiler.
The normal and slim images can be combined via a multi-stage Dockerfile to produce a lighter-weight image ready for deployment. For example:
FROM swift:latest as builder
COPY . .
RUN swift build -c release
FROM swift:slim
COPY --from=builder /root .
CMD [".build/release/docker-test"]
Contributions via pull requests are welcome and encouraged :)
docker-swift is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
docker pull swiftlang/swift