
By tackleza

Updated 1 day ago

Linux GraalVM native. In this case we will use AlmaLinux You can use this as base image.

Developer Tools


GraalVM with native support.

Please check the tags for more information.

You can use this as base images. You will find AlmaLinux and graalvm in many version

For testing java version. You can execute by
docker run -it tackleza/graalvm:22-almalinux

Output:java version "22" 2024-03-19 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 22+36.1 (build 22+36-jvmci-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 22+36.1 (build 22+36-jvmci-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

If you want to access bash (terminal) You can execute by
docker run -it tackleza/graalvm:22-almalinux bash

Output:[root@26f1596c9dc1 /]#

If you want to execute multiple command in bash (terminal) here some example
docker run -it tackleza/graalvm:22-almalinux bash -c "echo 1; echo 2"

Output:1 2

Docker Pull Command

docker pull tackleza/graalvm