
By talentify

Updated over 2 years ago

Client Experience background services (POD's) image




Dockerfile for cxp-api background tasks.

PHP (8.1 CLI) with zip, pcntl, pdo_mysql, opcache, intl, redis, mongodb, apcu, libuuid, bcmath and rdkafka extensions and Composer (latest).

Build (local)

docker build -t talentify/cxp-api-docker-background:build .

Build (Docker Hub)

This repository is integrated with Docker Hub, so the build is automated.

Updates to branch main are build to latest tag. Updates to branch develop are build to dev tag. To build with a specific tag, is necessary to push a tag using the format v.[0-9.]+, e.g., v.1.0.0.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull talentify/cxp-api-docker-background