//-============================================================ // // This class has been generated by POGO // (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object) // // (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF //=============================================================
TangoTest.cpp: Source code for the TangoTest class and its commands. This class is derived from DeviceImpl_2 class. It represents the CORBA servant obbject which will be accessed from the network. All commands which can be executed on the TangoTest are implemented in this file.
TangoTest.h: Include for the TangoTest class. Server class prototypes and descriptions.
TangoTestClass.cpp: A singleton class derived fromTangoTest. It implements the command list and all properties and methods required by the TangoTest once per process
TangoTestClass.h: Include for the TangoTestClass root class. This class is represents the singleton class for the TangoTest device class. It contains all properties and methods which the TangoTest requires only once e.g. the commands.
main.cpp: C++ source for a TANGO device server main. The main rule is to initialise (and create) the Tango system and to create the DServerClass singleton. The main should be the same for every Tango device server.
ClassFactory.cpp: C++ source for the class_factory method of the DServer device class. This method is responsible to create all class singletin for a device server. It is called at device server startup
docker pull tangocs/tango-test