
Verified Publisher

By Temporal Technologies Inc

Updated 4 days ago




This is the Temporal UI Server image, which deploys the Temporal Web UI. While the Temporal CLI development server contains a built-in Web UI, most scalable server deployments do not, since you will likely want to deploy the Web UI onto a different host.

To configure this deployment, refer to this list of environment variables:

Environment Variables
NameDescriptionDefault Value
TEMPORAL_ADDRESSSpecifies the Temporal frontend address.
TEMPORAL_UI_PORTSpecifies the port to serve the HTTP API and UI.8080
TEMPORAL_UI_PUBLIC_PATHStores a value such as "" or "/custom-path" that allows the UI to be served from a subpath``
TEMPORAL_UI_ENABLEDIf disabled, the server cannot be viewed on the web, but the UI server APIs remain available.true
TEMPORAL_BANNER_TEXTProvides banner text to display on the Web UI.``
TEMPORAL_CLOUD_UIIf enabled, use the alternate UI from Temporal Cloud.false
TEMPORAL_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEThe default Namespace that the Web UI opens first.default
TEMPORAL_FEEDBACK_URLThe URL that users are directed to when they click the Feedback button in the UI.``
TEMPORAL_NOTIFY_ON_NEW_VERSIONEnables notifications when a new version of Temporal is available.true
TEMPORAL_CONFIG_REFRESH_INTERVALDetermines how often the UI Server reads the configuration file for new values.0s
TEMPORAL_SHOW_TEMPORAL_SYSTEM_NAMESPACEIf enabled, shows the System Namespace that handles internal Temporal Workflows in the Web UI.false
TEMPORAL_DISABLE_WRITE_ACTIONSDisables any button in the UI that allows the user to modify Workflows or Activities.false
TEMPORAL_AUTH_ENABLEDSpecifies whether to enable or disable authentication. If enabled, the below settings are required.false
TEMPORAL_AUTH_TYPESpecifies the type of authentication.oidc
TEMPORAL_AUTH_PROVIDER_URLThe .well-known IDP discovery URL for authentication and authorization.``
TEMPORAL_AUTH_ISSUER_URLThe URL for the authentication or authorization issuer, if it differs from Provider.``
TEMPORAL_AUTH_CLIENT_IDSpecifies the authentication client ID.``
TEMPORAL_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRETSpecifies the authentication client secret.``
TEMPORAL_AUTH_CALLBACK_URLSpecifies the authentication callback URL.``
TEMPORAL_AUTH_SCOPESSpecifies a set of scopes for auth.openid,email,profile
TEMPORAL_TLS_CASpecifies the TLS Certificate Authority path.``
TEMPORAL_TLS_CERTSpecifies the TLS certificate path.``
TEMPORAL_TLS_KEYSpecifies the TLS key path.``
TEMPORAL_TLS_ENABLE_HOST_VERIFICATIONSpecifies whether to enable or disable TLS host verification.true
TEMPORAL_TLS_SERVER_NAMESpecifies the TLS server name.``
TEMPORAL_CODEC_ENDPOINTThe endpoint for the Codec Server, if configured.``
TEMPORAL_CODEC_PASS_ACCESS_TOKENSpecifies whether to send a JWT access token as ‘authorization' header in Codec Server requests.false
TEMPORAL_CODEC_INCLUDE_CREDENTIALSSpecifies whether to include credentials along with requests to the Codec Server.false
TEMPORAL_FORWARD_HEADERSForward specified HTTP headers to direct from HTTP API requests to the Temporal gRPC backend.``
TEMPORAL_HIDE_LOGSIf enabled, does not print logs from the Temporal Service.false

Docker Pull Command

docker pull temporalio/ui