
By th0th

Updated 5 months ago




A REST API for checking if an e-mail address is disposable (a.k.a. throwaway).

Using the hosted version

WebGazer offers this as a publicly available service. You can freely use it on

For example, a GET request to will return with this response:

  "isDisposable": true

You can send full e-mail address or only the domain, too. If you don't set the email query parameter, you will get a HTTP 400 Bad Request response.


The application is also available to be used as a docker image. You can deploy your own self-hosted version:

$ docker run -p 80:80 th0th/is-email-disposable

I found a new domain...

If you came across a new domain that is used a disposable e-mail address source, you can add it to domains.json in a pull request. Please mind that domains in this file are listed alphabetically.


Even if this is a very simple application, if you have some kind of improvement idea, don't hesitate to create an issue. Or a PR would be even better :)

Shameless plug

I am an indie hacker and I am running an uptime monitoring and analytics platform called WebGazer. You might want to check it out if you are running an online business and want to notice the incidents before your customers.


Copyright © 2020, Gökhan Sarı. Released under the MIT License.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull th0th/is-email-disposable