A RESTful API for Pokemon
PokéAPI is open and free to use. However, we will ban IP addresses that abuse this privilege. This API is used primarily for educational purposes, and we do not want people inhibiting the education of others. See the fair use guide on the docs for more information.
Have a question or just want to discuss new ideas and improvements? Hit us up on slack. Consider talking with us here before creating new issue. This way we can keep issues here a bit more organized and helpful in the long run. Be excellent to eachother :)
Qnce you've signed up visit PokeAPI on Slack
Help to keep PokéAPI running! If you're using PokéAPI as a teaching resource or for a project, consider sending us a $10 donation to help keep the server up. We get over 2 million requests a month and it's quite costly!
See the bottom of the home page to donate.
Quite a lot of data is missing from the V1 API.
As of January 2015, no new data will be added to the v1 API, you will have to use the V2 API instead.
See This blog post for more information.
Download this source code into a working directory.
Install the requirements using pip:
$ make install
This will install all the required packages and libraries for using PokeAPI
$ make setup
$ make serve
Visit localhost:8000 to see the running website!
If you ever need to wipe the database use this command:
$ make wipe_db
Start Django shell
$ python shell --settings=config.local
import build functions
$ from import *
run the functions in order to populate v1 tables
$ build_pokes()
$ build_abilities()
$ build moves()
Start Django shell
$ python shell --settings=config.local
run the build script with
$ from import build_all
$ build_all()
Each time the build script is run it will iterate over each table in the database, wipe it and rewrite each row using the data found in data/v2/csv. When building against sqlite we've heard it can take a ridiculously long time to finish building out the database. In this case you can set up just the portions of the db that you need.
$ from import *
$ build_languages()
$ build_abilities()
Heres a list of the data building functions
The application can be built and run as a Docker container for easy deployments
From the root directory of the cloned repo
docker build -t pokeapi .
Run the container on host port 8000
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 pokeapi
There is also a multi-container setup, managed by Docker Compose. This setup allow you to deploy a production-like environment, with separate containers for each services.
Create data volumes for Redis and Postgres
docker volume create --name=redis_data
docker volume create --name=pg_data
Start the process using
docker-compose up
You can specify the -d
switch to start in detached mode.
This will bind port 80 and 443. Unfortunately, unlike the docker
command, there is no command line arguments to specify ports. If you want to change them, edit the docker-compose.yml
After that, start the migration process
docker-compose exec app python migrate
And then, import the data using the shell
docker-compose exec app python shell
You can use the build_all()
method, or individuals data building functions (See V2 Database setup)
from import build_all
For the moment, this setup doesn't allow you to use the scale
All contributions are welcome: bug fixes, data contributions, recommendations.
Please see the issues on GitHub before you submit a pull request or raise an issue, someone else might have beat you to it.
To contribute to this repository:
Download the project using git clone:
git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/pokeapi.git
git checkout -b my_new_branch
Write some code, fix something, and add a test to prove that it works. No pull request will be accepted without tests passing, or without new tests if new features are added.
Commit your code and push it to GitHub
Open a new pull request and describe the changes you have made.
We'll accept your changes after review.
docker pull thanadmaqecom/pokeapi