
By theanurin

Updated 6 months ago

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with strong reputation for r



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PostgreSQL 13 (For Developers)

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance

Image reason

For development and testing purposes we need pre-setup Postgres server to automate development and auto-testing activity. The container has pre-defined empty database (with flag table to ensure non-production case) and two users.


Expose ports
  • tcp/5432 - Postgres listening endpoint
  • /data - Hold Postgres'es data
  • /dbseed - Files *.sql from the folder is executing at startup of a container
    • /dbseed/*.sql - execute in devdb database as postgres user
    • /dbseed/<db_name>/*.sql - execute in <db_name> database as postgres user
Predefined Stuff
  • Predefined database devdb
  • Predefined flag table "public"."emptytestflag"
  • User postgres - superuser (no password)
  • User devadmin - owner of the database devdb (no password)
  • User devuser - regular user (no password)


  • Alpine Linux 3.19
  • PostgreSQL 13.15 Server


  1. Start for development

    docker run --interactive --tty --rm --publish 5432:5432 theanurin/devel.postgres-13
  2. Use connection strings (no password):

    • postgres://postgres@ - to login as superuser
    • postgres://devadmin@ - to login as devdb owner
    • postgres://devuser@ - to login as regular user

Build Own Images With Additional Predefined Data

Based on SQL scripts

In this scenario your init SQL files are placed in ./init-sql directory and will be applied in alphabetical order.

FROM theanurin/devel.postgres-13 AS postgres_builder
COPY ./init-sql/ /.builder-postgres.d/
RUN /usr/local/bin/

FROM theanurin/devel.postgres-13
COPY --from=postgres_builder /build/ /
Based on execution shell script

In this scenario your have to provide shell script / that will execute at build time. The script responsible for data generation.

# sample of

set -e


# Execute command via file using Redirecting Input redirections
psql --dbname=postgres --username=postgres --set user="${DB_OWNER}" --file=<(echo 'CREATE USER :"user" WITH LOGIN;')

# Execute command via Here Documents redirections
psql --dbname=postgres --username=postgres --set db="${DB_NAME}" --set db_owner="${DB_OWNER}" <<-'EOSQL'
    OWNER = :"db_owner" ENCODING = 'UTF8'

# Execute command via inline SQL
psql --dbname="${DB_NAME}" --username="${DB_OWNER}" --command='CREATE TABLE "test" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL);'

echo "Wow, ${DB_NAME} was created successfully!"
FROM theanurin/devel.postgres-13 AS build_stage
COPY ./ /
RUN chmod +x /
RUN /usr/local/bin/

FROM theanurin/devel.postgres-13
COPY --from=build_stage /build/ /
Based on state of a container
# Run container
docker run --detach --name pg_builder --publish 5432:5432 theanurin/devel.postgres-13

# Fill you data into Postgres
./ postgres://postgres@

# Stop container and make new image
docker stop pg_builder
docker commit pg_builder my_devel.postgres-13_with_data

# Use image my_devel.postgres-13_with_data


Docker Pull Command

docker pull theanurin/devel.postgres-13