
By thesuhu

Updated almost 2 years ago

Docker image to run PHP and Nginx with Oracle client

Web Servers



Docker image to run PHP and Nginx with Oracle client


Pull the latest image from Docker hub.

docker pull thesuhu/docker-nginx-oracle-php-fpm:<version>

If you want to serve your web directly from host, just mount your web directory into container. Example:

docker run -itd -p 8080:80  --name myweb -v ~/myweb:/var/www/html thesuhu/docker-nginx-oracle-php-fpm:<version>

If you have permission issue with your web directory, try to change the permission to 777 before running container.

chmod 777 -R myweb

Or you can build new image with your web files. Just create Dockerfile file and then build new image.

FROM thesuhu/docker-nginx-oracle-php-fpm

COPY myweb /var/www/html


The latest Docker image use PHP version 8.2 and NGINX version 1.23. You can pull other version. The following version are available:

  • PHP 7.3 and NGINX 1.23
  • PHP 7.4 and NGINX 1.23
  • PHP 8.2 and NGINX 1.23 (latest)

If you need another version, you can fork and edit the Dockerfile and then build for your own.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull thesuhu/docker-nginx-oracle-php-fpm