Docker images used to create containers ready with Node.js, Oracle Client and Nodemon.
Docker images used to create containers ready with Node.js, Oracle Client and Nodemon. This docker image is recommended for development only. For production use docker-node-oracle-pm2 instead.
Just run the following command to run the container:
docker run -d -t -p <host port>:<your app port> -v <your app host dir>:/usr/src/myapp --name <your container name> thesuhu/docker-node-oracle-nodemon:{VERSION}
Specify the Node.js version you will use in the above {VERSION}. Node.js version 14 is available.
docker run -d -t -p 3000:3000 -v /home/thesuhu/helloworld:/usr/src/myapp --name backend thesuhu/docker-node-oracle-nodemon:14
Once the container is running, open a terminal inside the container and run npm i
. Finally, use nodemon
to start your application. The application automatically restart every time there is a change in the host directory
docker pull thesuhu/docker-node-oracle-nodemon