
By thewicklowwolf

Updated 4 months ago

Convert eBooks to epub, mobi and/or awz3

Content Management System


Build StatusDocker Pulls

Convert eBooks to epub, mobi and/or awz3

Run using docker-compose

    image: thewicklowwolf/convertbooks:latest
    container_name: convertbooks
      - /path/to/books_source:/convertbooks/source
      - /path/to/books_destination:/convertbooks/destination
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped

Configuration via environment variables

Certain values can be set via environment variables:

  • PUID: The user ID to run the app with. Defaults to 1000.
  • PGID: The group ID to run the app with. Defaults to 1000.
  • book_source_formats: Defines the file formats to search for in the source folder. Defaults to .epub,.mobi,.azw3.
  • desired_output_formats: Specifies the formats to convert eBooks into. Defaults to .mobi,.azw3.
  • schedule: Sets the times for the conversion process to run, specified in hours. Defaults to 0.
  • run_at_startup: Controls whether the conversion process should initiate automatically at startup. Defaults to False.
  • thread_limit: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent threads for running conversion tasks. Defaults to 1.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull thewicklowwolf/convertbooks