
By thewiwcorp

Updated 11 months ago

Manage your NodeRed containers using environment variables and custom settings files




Manage your NodeRed containers using environment variables and custom settings files

This project takes standard and official NodeRed containers ( and add features to make easier the container configuration. Standard settings.js file is just slightly modified so you keep the existing behaviour by default.

It can be use like standard NodeRed image. Just add environment variables to get the new features. E.g.:

docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v myNodeREDdata:/data -e NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET="foo" --name mynodered thewiwcorp/node-red
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v myNodeREDdata:/data -v myusers.txt:/data/auth/editor_users.txt -e NODE_RED_SET_EDITOR_USERS_BY_FILE=true --name mynodered thewiwcorp/node-red-manageable

Current features

  • Editor and API: Users, password and permissions can be set in a file. This file is read in a dynamic way, so you can change it anytime.
  • Credential secret: Can be set by an environment variable. If not provided, randomly generated by NodeRed
  • HTTP node and HTTP static resource basic authentication set by an environment variable. If not provided, authentication is disabled

Detailed features

Editor and API users

User are defined with the same syntax than the one expected by NodeRed in a file. Default user may be set too. Each time a user try to connect, the file is read so you can change the values without restarting NodeRed.

This feature is enabled when you set NODE_RED_SET_EDITOR_USERS_BY_FILE=true

Expected file format is:

    "username": "admin",
    "permissions": ["*"]
    "username": "writer",
    "permissions": ["read","flows.write",""]
    "username": "reader",
    "permissions": ["read"]

All passwords must be encrypted with bcrypt first.

Default file location: `/data/auth/editor_users.txt'

You can change the file location by setting NODE_RED_EDITOR_USERS_FILE

You can change the behaviour by providing your own js file and setting the variable NODE_RED_EDITOR_USERS_CUSTOM_JS. This js file MUST export users, authenticate and default functions. See

Credential secret

Credential secret may be stored in the NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET environment variable.

You can change the behaviour by providing your own js file and setting the variable NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_CUSTOM_JS. This js file MUST contain a getCredentialSecret function than returns a string. String value is only read at NodeRed startup.

HTTP node and static authentication

One user for HTTP nodes and access to static resources can be defined by setting NODE_RED_HTTP_NODE_USER and NODE_RED_HTTP_STATIC_USER variables.

Expected format is user:encryptedpassword. Passwords must be encrypted with bcrypt.

You can change the behaviour by providing your own js files and setting the variables NODE_RED_HTTP_NODE_AUTH_CUSTOM_JS and NODE_RED_HTTP_STATIC_AUTH_CUSTOM_JS. This js files MUST contain getHttpNodeUser and getHttpStaticUser functions. Both of them MUST return a JS object {"user": "myhttpuser", "pass": "mypassword". JS objects are only read at NodeRed startup. }

Password encryption

All password must be encrypted with bcrypt and a salt of 8. See With docker compose you can run that command: docker compose run --rm -ti --entrypoint node-red-admin node-red hash-pw

Build and run

Docker compose

    image: thewiwcorp/node-red-manageable:3.0.2-16
      - NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET=mystaticsecret
      - NODE_RED_HTTP_NODE_USER=uiuser:$$2b$$08$$mybcryppassword1
      - NODE_RED_HTTP_STATIC_USER=resourcesuser:$$2b$$08$$mybcryppassword2
      - ALL
      replicas: 1
      - "1880"
      - "1880:1880"

In docker-compose.yml file, pay attention that all $ must be typed twice.

Run a container


docker run -it -p 1880:1880 -v myNodeREDdata:/data -v myusers.txt:/data/auth/editor_users.txt -e NODE_RED_SET_EDITOR_USERS_BY_FILE=true --name mynodered thewiwcorp/node-red-manageable


docker compose up


  • Management of a default user for editor and user authorization file
  • Command to update editor and user authorization file
  • Advanced middleware for HTTP node, providing user management

If you want to improve this project, feel free to contact us or to send a pull request.

Change log
  • 0.0.1: Initial features: editor and api authorization file, credential secret, http node and http static users
  • 0.0.2: Missing file and README fix

Source code

Docker Pull Command

docker pull thewiwcorp/node-red-manageable