This image contains a cron executor based on supercronic which implements php executables to execute php based crons. To list installed php extension please have a look at its documentation.
# installed version: 0.1.12
Usage of supercronic:
enable debug logging
enable JSON logging
enable tasks overlapping
passthrough logs from commands, do not wrap them in Supercronic logging
-prometheus-listen-address string
give a valid ip[:port] address to expose Prometheus metrics at /metrics (port defaults to 9746), use for all network interfaces.
do not log informational messages (takes precedence over debug)
-sentry-dsn string
enable Sentry error logging, using provided DSN
-sentryDsn string
alias for sentry-dsn
split log output into stdout/stderr
test crontab (does not run jobs)
Furthermore this image sets the default timezone to "Europe/Berlin".
HINT: The following feature is not implemented yet!
You can override this by setting the environment variable "TIMEZONE" to whatever you want. But beware: your crons gets executed respecting the configured timezone! This image installs the following PHP extensions, which are the minimally required extensions to install and run Magento2 or Typo3:
docker pull tmms/phpcron