
By tombruijn

Updated about 2 years ago

A Git Linter for People.



Lintje Docker image

Lintje is a Git Linter for People.

Example usage

docker run --volume "$(pwd):/app" --workdir "/app" --rm tombruijn/lintje

It support all the options and flags that Lintje does normally on the command line.

docker run --volume "$(pwd):/app" --workdir "/app" --rm tombruijn/lintje HEAD~5...HEAD --color --no-hints

The examples above show an example where the current directory is mounted on Linux/macOS and used a working directory. Then Lintje is run in that directory in the Docker container in which the Git history is validated. When the validation is done the container is stopped and removed.

Versioning and tags

  • latest: The latest tag always corresponds to the latest released Lintje version. This is automatically updated to the latest version when it's released.
  • #.#.#: The numbered tags like 0.7.1 correspond to same version of Lintje.

Multi platform

This image is based on the Alpine Linux image and ships for the following architectures:

  • linux/amd64 - x86 64-bit
  • linux/arm/v7 - ARM 64-bit
  • linux/arm64 - ARM 64-bit

Docker Pull Command

docker pull tombruijn/lintje