
By toolboc

Updated over 1 year ago

NVIDIA Jetson Embedded Device Support for



NVIDIA Jetson Embedded Device Support for

This image provides accelerated ffmpeg, pytorch, torchaudio, and torchvision dependencies.

Due to to memory requirements, JARVIS is required to run on Jetson AGX Orin family devices (64G on-board RAM device preferred) with config options set to:

  • inference_mode: local
  • local_deployment: standard

Models and configs are recommended to be provided through a volume mount from the host to the container as shown in the docker run step below. It is possible to uncomment the # Download local models section of the Dockerfile to build a container with models included.

Start the model server, awesomechat, and web app on Jetson Orin AGX
# run the container which will automatically start the model server
docker run --name jarvis --net=host --gpus all -v ~/jarvis/configs:/app/server/configs -v ~/src/JARVIS/server/models:/app/server/models toolboc/nv-jarvis:r35.2.1

# (wait for model server to complete initialization)

# start 
docker exec jarvis python3 --config configs/config.default.yaml --mode server

#start the web application (application will be acessible at http://localhost:9999)
docker exec jarvis npm run dev --prefix=/app/web

Docker Pull Command

docker pull toolboc/nv-jarvis