This repository can be used to bring up a GoCD Agent with google cloud sdk, in a container.
This container inherits from travix/gocd-agent:latest and adds the following packages
To run this docker container use the following command
docker run -d travix/gocd-agent-gcloud:latest
In order to configure the agent for use in your cluster with other than default settings you can pass in the following environment variables
Name | Description | Default value |
GO_SERVER | The host name or ip address of the server to connect to | localhost |
GO_SERVER_PORT | The http port of the go server | 8153 |
AGENT_MEM | The -Xms value for the java vm | 128m |
AGENT_MAX_MEM | The -Xmx value for the java vm | 256m |
AGENT_KEY | The secret key set on the server for auto-registration of the agent | |
AGENT_RESOURCES | The resource tags for the agent in case of auto-registration | |
AGENT_ENVIRONMENTS | The environments the agent is assigned to in case of auto-registration | |
AGENT_HOSTNAME | The hostname used for the agent; normally it's the hosts actual hostname | |
DOCKER_GID_ON_HOST | To mount docker socket and use it without sudo the go user needs to be added to the docker group; pass in the gid from the guest os with this variable |
To connect the agent to your server with other than default ip or hostname
docker run -d \
-e "" \
If you've set up your server for autoregistration of agents pass in the same value for environment variable AGENT_KEY when starting the agent
docker run -d \
-e "" \
-e "AGENT_KEY=388b633a88de126531afa41eff9aa69e" \
You can also set resource tags, gocd environment and hostname for the agent when autoregistering
docker run -d \
-e "" \
-e "AGENT_KEY=388b633a88de126531afa41eff9aa69e" \
-e "AGENT_RESOURCES=deploy-x,deploy-z" \
-e "AGENT_ENVIRONMENTS=Production" \
-e "AGENT_HOSTNAME=deploy-agent-01" \
To mount docker socket and be able to use it sudo-less inside the container use the following
docker run -d \
-e "" \
-e "DOCKER_GID_ON_HOST=$(getent group docker | cut -d: -f3)" \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker \
Do be aware that mounting docker inside your container poses a large security risk as the container indirectly has access to the whole machine in this way.
In order to keep working copies over a restart and use ssh keys from the host machine you can mount the following directories
Directory | Description | Importance |
/var/lib/go-agent/pipelines | This directory holds the working copies for all pipelines that have run on this agent | You want to have this cleaned up regularly anyway, so no real need to mount it |
/var/log/go-agent | All output logs go here, but there also written to standard out in the container | Preferably collect logs from standard out |
/var/go/.ssh | The ssh keys to connect to version control systems like github and bitbucket | As it's better not to embed these keys in the container you likely need to mount this |
/var/go/.gcloud | The google cloud service account key files can be stored here | As it's better not to embed these keys in the container you likely need to mount this |
/var/run/docker.sock | To mount the docker socket of the guest os | Note: mounting this is a security risk! |
/usr/bin/docker | To mount the docker binary of the guest os | Note: mounting this is a security risk! |
Start the container like this to mount the directories
docker run -d \
-e "" \
-e "AGENT_KEY=388b633a88de126531afa41eff9aa69e" \
-e "AGENT_RESOURCES=deploy-x,deploy-z" \
-e "AGENT_ENVIRONMENTS=Production" \
-e "AGENT_HOSTNAME=deploy-agent-01" \
-v /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/pipelines:/var/lib/go-agent/pipelines
-v /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/logs:/var/log/go-agent
-v /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/ssh:/var/go/.ssh
-v /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/gcloud:/var/go/.gcloud
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker \
To make sure the process in the container can read and write to those directories create a user and group with same gid and uid on the host machine
groupadd -r -g 999 go
useradd -r -g go -u 999 go
And then change the owner of the host directories
chown -R go:go /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/pipelines
chown -R go:go /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/ssh
chown -R go:go /mnt/persistent-disk/gocd-agent/gcloud
docker pull travix/gocd-agent-gcloud