
By trx1138

Updated 4 months ago

fork of wiserain/rclone to support additional poolingfs mounts.

Databases & Storage
Operating Systems



Docker image for rclone mount with

  • Ubuntu 24.04
  • pooling filesystem (a choice of mergerfs or unionfs)
  • some useful scripts

fork of wiserain/docker-rclone

  • to support additional poolingfs mounts


version: '3'

    container_name: rclone
    image: wiserain/rclone                      # or
    restart: always
    network_mode: "bridge"
      - ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/config:/config
      - ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/log:/log
      - ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/cache:/cache
      - /your/mounting/point:/data:shared
      - /local/dir/to/be/merged/with:/local     # Optional: if you have a folder to be mergerfs/unionfs with
      - /dev/fuse
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - apparmor:unconfined
      - PUID=${PUID}
      - PGID=${PGID}
      - TZ=Asia/Seoul
      - RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH=remote_name:path/to/mount


docker run -d \
    --name=rclone \
    --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
    --device /dev/fuse \
    --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \
    -v ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/config:/config \
    -v ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/log:/log \
    -v ${DOCKER_ROOT}/rclone/cache:/cache \
    -v /your/mounting/point:/data:shared \
    -v /local/dir/to/be/merged/with:/local \
    -e PUID=${PUID} \
    -e PGID=${PGID} \
    -e TZ=Asia/Seoul \
    -e RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH=remote_name:path/to/mount \

First, you need to prepare an rclone configuration file in /config/rclone.conf. It can be done manually (copy yourself) or by running a built-in script below

docker-compose exec <service_name> rclone_setup

Then, up and run your container with a proper environment variable RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH which specifies an rclone remote path you want to mount. In the initialization process of every container start, it will check 1) existance of rclone.conf and 2) validation of RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH whether it actually exists in rclone.conf. If there is any problem, please check container log by

docker logs <container name or sha1, e.g. rclone>
rclone mount

Here is the internal command for rclone mount.

rclone mount ${RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH} ${rclone_mountpoint} \
    --uid=${PUID:-911} \
    --gid=${PGID:-911} \
    --cache-dir=/cache \
    --use-mmap \
    --allow-other \
    --umask=002 \
    --rc \
    --rc-no-auth \
    --rc-addr=:5574 \

Please note that variables only with capital letters are configurable by environment variables. Also, be aware that rc is enabled by default.

PUID / PGIDuid and gid for running an app911 / 911
TZtimezone, required for correct timestamp in log
RCLONE_REMOTE_PATHthis should be in rclone.conf
RCLONE_CONFIGpath to rclone.conf/config/rclone.conf
RCLONE_LOG_LEVELlog level for rclone runtimeNOTICE
RCLONE_LOG_FILEto redirect logging to file
RCLONE_MOUNT_USER_OPTSadditioanl arguments will be appended to the basic options in the above command
rclone serve

You can serve a folder tree mounted by rclone mount using the RCLONE_SERVE_MODE environment variable. This auxiliary service allows you to take advantage of cached contents without having to redefine the --vfs-* flags.

Here is the internal command for rclone serve

rclone serve ${RCLONE_SERVE_MODE} ${rclone_mountpoint} \
    ${RCLONE_SERVE_ARGS:---use-mmap --addr=:5678}

, where related environment variables are

RCLONE_SERVE_MODEone of dlna, docker, ftp, http, restic, sftp, webdav
RCLONE_SERVE_ARGSarguments for rclone serve--use-mmap --addr=:5678

mergerfs or unionfs (optional)

Along with the rclone folder, you can specify one local directory to be mergerfs with by POOLING_FS=mergerfs. Internally, it will execute a following command

mergerfs \
    -o uid=${PUID:-911},gid=${PGID:-911},umask=022,allow_other \
    -o ${MFS_USER_OPTS} \
    /local=RW:/cloud=NC /data

where a default value of MFS_USER_OPTS is


If you want unionfs instead of mergerfs, set POOLING_FS=unionfs, which will apply

unionfs \
    -o uid=${PUID:-911},gid=${PGID:-911},umask=022,allow_other \
    -o ${UFS_USER_OPTS} \
    /local=RW:/cloud=RO /data

where a default value of UFS_USER_OPTS is

Built-in scripts

Two scripts performing basic rclone operations such as copy and move between /local and /cloud are prepared for your conveinence. Since they are from local to cloud directories, it is meaningful only when you mount an additional /local directory.


You can make a copy of files in /local to /cloud by

docker exec -it <container name or sha1, e.g. rclone> copy_local

If you want to exclude a certain folder from copy, just put an empty .nocopy file on the folder root. Then, the script will ignore the sub-tree from the operation.


In contrast to copy_local, move_local consists of three consecutive sub-operations. First, it will move old files. If MOVE_LOCAL_AFTER_DAYS is set, files older than that days will be moved. Then, it will move files exceed size of MOVE_LOCAL_EXCEEDS_GB by the amount of MOVE_LOCAL_FREEUP_GB. Finally, it will move the rest of files in /local only if MOVE_LOCAL_ALL=true. As a cleanup, it will remove empty directories in /local unless KEEP_EMPTY_DIRS=1 is set.

The command and the way to exclude subfolders are almost the same as for copy_local, but .nomove file in this case.

cron - disabled by default

After making sure that a single execution of scripts is okay, you can add cron jobs of these operations by setting environment variables.

COPY_LOCAL_CRONcron schedule for copy_local
MOVE_LOCAL_CRONcron schedule for move_local


Docker Pull Command

docker pull trx1138/docker-rclone