
By tsaridas

Updated 11 months ago

stremio addon that connects to your jackett server and shows results in stremio

Web Servers


Stremio Jackett Add-on


This is a Stremio addon that requires the Jackett to search for torrents, which cant be installed and run locally. To add the addon to Stremio, use the provided URL, and it should provide you with search results. By default, this addon will only work when the Stremio web player uses HTTP. If you want to use it with an HTTPS Stremio web player, you'll also need to ensure that the service is running with HTTPS. Please note that teaching you how to achieve this is beyond the scope of this guide.

You can take a look at my other repo if you want to have stremio run in HTTP in docker stremio-docker .


You can find the addon's manifest at Beamup-Club. Simply copy the link and paste it into your Stremio addons.

This addon is connected to specific Jackett servers with a limited number of indexers, so it may not produce many results in most cases. For better results, you can install the plugin locally and set up your own indexers in Jackett.


Images are pushed to Docker Hub for each release automatically.

$ docker run -d \
  --name=jackett-stremio \
  -e JACKETT_HOSTS=http://{{ YOURIP }}:9117/ \ # Replace `{{ YOUR IP }}` with your LAN IP.
  -e JACKETT_APIKEYS={{ THE API KEY }} # Replace {{ THE API KEY }} with the key you got from the jacket server.
  -p 7000:7000/tcp \
  --restart unless-stopped \

One could also run it outside docker. You need nodejs installed.

$ export JACKETT_HOSTS={{ YOUR JACKETT IP:PORT }} # Replace `{{ YOUR JACKETT IP:PORT }}` with your ip and Jackett port.
$ export JACKETT_APIKEYS={{ YOUR JACKETT API KEY }} # Replace `{{ YOUR JACKETT API KEY }}` with your Jackett API key.
$ npm install
$ npm start


The below options can be set as an evironment variable.

JACKETT_HOSTShttp://, http://IP2:9117/Your Jackett hosts comma delimited.
JACKETT_APIKEYS''sdfsadfs,sdfsadfsaAPI keys from jackett servers comma delimited.
ADDON_NAME'Jackett'MyJacketAddonThe name of the addon that will show in stremio.
JACKETT_RTIMEOUT800020000Jackett http read timeout in millisecond. Don't set these higher than the RESPONSE_TIMEOUT.
DONT_PARSE_TORRENT_FILESfalsetrueParsing torrent files ( not magnets) takes time and is slow. This is disabled by default. If enabled you will see less results depending on your indexer.
DOWNLOAD_TORRENT_QUEUE10100Because external http downloads go through Jackett doing many downloads at the same time might cause some DDOS so I setup a queue for this.
RESPONSE_TIMEOUT800012000This is the maximun time in millisecond that the request will last. The higher the most result you will get from slow indexers.
PORT70008888The port which the Addon service will run on.
MIN_SEED510The minimum amount of seeds we should return results for.
MAX_RESULTS510Maximum results to return.
MAX_SIZE5GB5GBMaximum size of the results we want to receive. Value is in Bytes. Default is 10GB. Supported formats: B/KB/MB/GB/TB .
DEBUGfalsetrueSpams your terminal with info.
SEARCH_BY_TYPEfalsetrueBy enabling this, we search by movie or tvshow instead of default search by category (2000,5000).
INTERVAL500100How often to check in miliseconds if we should return results based on user's timeout.
ADD_BEST_TRACKERSfalsetrueWe download a list of best trackers from Best Trackers and add them to all torrents found
ADD_RUSSIAN_TRACKERSfalsetrueWe add some Russian trackers. Check trackers.js for more info.
ADD_EXTRA_TRACKERSfalsetrueWe add some extra trackers. Check trackers.js for more info.
REMOVE_BLACKLIST_TRACKERSfalsetrueRemove trackers that are blacklisted. Download list from : Blacklisted trackers
INDEXER_FILTERSstatus:healthy,test:passedallThis is the filter when we fetch indexers. This config is clear text, we encode it before using. Jackett Documentation
CACHE_INDEXERS_TIME30360The time in minutes to cache indexers and don't call jackett to get all of them every time.
CACHE_RESULTS_TIME180360The time in minutes to cache results in memory. Set to 0 to disable and always search in jackett.


Builds are configured to generate images for the following architectures:

  • linux/arm/v6
  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64/v8
  • linux/arm/v7

If you ever need additional build architectures, feel free to ask. However, it's unlikely that anyone will require these containers to be installed on anything other than these specified architectures.


  • latest -> Builds automatically when new version of server or WebPlayer is released. Builds WebPlayer only from release tags.
  • release version (example v1.0.0) -> to have old releases available in case there is something wrong with new release.
Build your own

You can build your own image by running the below command.

docker build -t jackett-stremio:myversion .


You need jackett installed for this addon to work. Going into detail on how to do that is out of the scope of this project.

Install Jackett
Setup Jackett
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://{{ YOUR LAN IP }}:9117/. Replace {{ YOUR LAN IP }} with your local network IP address.

  2. Click on "+ Add Indexer" to add as many indexers as you require.

  3. Locate the "API Key" in the top-right corner of the Jackett menu. Copy the text from the input field.

  4. Configure the indexers according to your preferences.

  5. Once you have completed the above steps, update the ENV variables JACKETT_HOSTS and JACKETT_APIKEYS to match your container's host configuration.

Remember that the indexer's responsiveness can significantly impact the time it takes to retrieve results for users, so consider this when configuring your setup.

Add Jackett Add-on to Stremio

Add http://{{ YOUR IP }}:7000/manifest.json. Replace {{ YOUR IP }} with your LAN IP.

  • Reorg code to avoid iterating through the same data multiple times.
  • Add your own trackers config.
  • Resolve trackers and add cache for trackers ip addresses instead of sending FQDNs.
  • Increase versions of npm modules.
  • Update README for better understanding how to install.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull tsaridas/jackett-stremio