
By tungbq

Updated about 1 month ago

All-in-one DevOps toolkit image for Ansible, Terraform, kubectl, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, Git, and more.

Operating Systems
Developer Tools



DevOps Toolkit

🐳 Container image for an all-in-one DevOps environment with popular tools like Ansible, Terraform, kubectl, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, Git, Python and more...

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Key Features

  • Comprehensive Toolset: Pre-installed with tools like Git, Python, Ansible, Terraform, kubectl, Helm, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, and more.
  • Easy Integration: Use it directly or customize it with your preferred versions.
  • Efficient Updates: Weekly updates ensure the latest versions and security patches.
  • Configuration Reusability: Mounts host config folders for seamless reuse across sessions.

Getting Started

1. Quick Start
mkdir -p $HOME/.dtc # Skip this step if you already created the configuration folder before
docker pull tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest
docker run -it --rm --name devops-toolkit-demo1 \
    -v $HOME/.dtc:/dtc \
    --network host  \
2. Run with custom tool config from host (.dtc)

Mount current directory and start the toolkit

docker run -it --name devops-toolkit-demo2 \
    --volume "$PWD:$PWD" \
    --volume "$HOME/.dtc:/dtc" \
    --volume "$HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh" \
    --workdir "$PWD" \
    --network host \

# Adjust the docker run command base on your use cases
3. Run with tool config from host
docker run -it --name devops-toolkit-demo3 \
    --volume "$HOME/.aws:/root/.aws" \
    --volume "$HOME/.azure:/root/.azure" \
    --volume "$HOME/.kube:/root/.kube" \
    --volume "$HOME/.terraform.d:/root/.terraform.d" \
    --volume "$HOME/.config/helm:/root/.config/helm" \
    --volume "$HOME/.ansible:/root/.ansible" \
    --volume "$HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig" \
    --volume "$HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh" \
    --volume "$PWD:$PWD" \
    --workdir "$PWD" \
    --network host \

# Adjust the docker run command base on your use cases
4. Note
  • .dtc stands for DevOps Toolkit Configuration
  • You can replace $HOME/.dtc with any desired folder path on your VM.
  • Remove the -v $HOME/.dtc:/dtc option if you do not wish to store configurations on the host (not recommended for configuration reuse).

Use DevOps Toolkit with devops-toolkit-cli

Optionally, you can use the provided execution script which simplifies the setup, execution, and management of the DevOps Toolkit.

1. Install
curl -o devops-toolkit-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tungbq/devops-toolkit/main/devops-toolkit-cli
chmod +x devops-toolkit-cli
sudo mv devops-toolkit-cli /usr/local/bin/
2. Run

Navigate to your workspace folder, then:

  • Initialize the docker image, container and configuration directory:
devops-toolkit-cli init my_toolkit_01
# Run 'devops-toolkit-cli init my_toolkit_01 vX.Y.Z' if you want to use specific version.
# E.g: devops-toolkit-cli init my_toolkit_01 1.0.2
  • Start a shell in new container:
devops-toolkit-cli run my_toolkit_01
  • Execute a command in the container:
devops-toolkit-cli run my_toolkit_01 ls -la
  • Access the shell:
devops-toolkit-cli shell my_toolkit_01
  • Remove container if it's not used anymore
devops-toolkit-cli cleanup my_toolkit_01
# Run 'devops-toolkit-cli list' to list all available containers
# Run 'devops-toolkit-cli cleanup --all' to cleanup all devops-toolkit containers
3. Get Help


We use the following versioning scheme:

  • Repository Tags: vX.Y.Z (e.g., v1.2.3)
  • Docker Tags: X.Y.Z or latest for the most recent version.

You can pull specific versions from Docker Hub using:

docker pull tungbq/devops-toolkit:1.2.3
docker pull tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest

For more details on versioning, check the release notes.

User Guide 📖

Explore the comprehensive guide below to gain insight into the detailed utilization of every tool within the toolkit.

Demo 📺

  • Checkout the Demo code and instruction here.

The DevOps Toolkit Core 🧰

Built on ubuntu:22.04 base image


And more tools to be implemented...


  • Looking for the issue to work on? Check the list of our open issues good first issue
  • Feel free to open a new issue if you encounter the toolkit bug or want to request more content about DevOps toolkit
  • Submit a new issue (🐛) if you encounter the bug/error when using this toolkit

Hit the Star! ⭐

  • If you find this repository helpful, kindly consider showing your appreciation by giving it a star ⭐ Thanks! 💖

Docker Pull Command

docker pull tungbq/devops-toolkit