
By ukwa

Updated almost 7 years ago

Run the tinycdxserver in Docker.

Databases & Storage
Web Servers
Web Analytics



This Docker image packaged up the NLA's tinycdxserver, which is a CDX server you can write to as well as read from, based on the RocksDB database engine. To run it:

docker pull ukwa/tinycdxserver
docker run -p 18080:8080 -v data:/data ukwa/tinycdxserver

You should now be able to go to http://<docker-host-ip-address>:18080/ and see the CDX server status. See for details of how to use it.

Note that when you share a folder with a Docker app when using selinux you might need to tweak the folder attributes.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ukwa/tinycdxserver