
By ukwa

Updated almost 8 years ago

Apache Zeppelin as we deploy it for UKWA research.

Data Science
Languages & Frameworks
Web Analytics


Yet Another Docker Container for Apache Zeppelin.


Per default the image starts with the Zeppelin UI interactive analysis with a local Spark context: docker run -p 8888:8888 -d tssp/apache-zeppelin. The UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8888 .

A cluster mode is also supported. For convenience this mode can be started by simply executing docker-compose up. This spins up a Zeppelin image, a Spark master and one work with one 1 core and 1gb memory. The cluster can be monitored via the Web-UI on the master: http://localhost:8080 .

The number of workers can be increased by executing the scale command, e.g. docker-compose scale worker-node=5.

In case of sharing a persistent directory for notebooks, the container can be started via docker run -p 8888:8888 -d -v $(pwd)/notebook:/opt/apache-zeppelin/notebook tssp/apache-zeppelin. Where notebook is the hosted directory and /opt/apache-zeppelin/notebook is the the notebook directory in the container. Please refer to the documentation when mounting data volumes.


Follow the instructions on and to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

Build Docker Container

The container can be built by executing docker build -t tssp/apache-zeppelin ..

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ukwa/zeppelin