haproxy for the raspberry pi... mmmmm pi
Raspberry pi image for standard off the shelf haproxy @ 1.6.5.
Built on rasberry pi zero, but should work for pi2 also, not sure about pi3 as it's 64bit.
As stated, it's basic no frills haproxy, so you will need to configure it which you can do from the docs [http://www.haproxy.org/#docs] or by following the quick guide below.
Create a new docker folder to house your haproxy build script and config, two files, haproxy.cfg and Dockerfile
example haproxy.cfg
maxconn 10000
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:80
# Define hosts
acl docker-one hdr(host) -i localhost
# figure out which one to use
use_backend docker-one \if docker-one
default_backend docker-router
backend docker-one
balance roundrobin
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server server1
backend docker-router
balance roundrobin
option httpclose
option forwardfor
server server1
listen stats
bind *:1936
mode http
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats uri /
stats auth user:pass
example Dockerfile
FROM ulsmith/rpi-haproxy
COPY haproxy.cfg /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Thats about it, now you should be able to build from your new my-haproxy docker file, pull in rpi-haproxy and update the config. A stats page will be available at port 1936 with login details
username - user password - pass
:latest - Tracking 1.0.0 :1.0.0 - First commit
docker pull ulsmith/rpi-haproxy