(based on this image)To start an instance of this image you just have to enter the following command
docker run --name i2b2-solr --net=host uniwue/i2b2-solr:tag
where tag
is one of the tags listed above.
Please note, that this command will only work, if you execute it on a machine running an i2b2 instance configured exactly as described here for a MSSQL-Server. For running this image with a different i2b2 configuration you will have to set the environment variables detailed below.
docker run
command, you could stop it by entering docker stop i2b2-solr
.docker start i2b2-solr
.docker rm i2b2-solr
the instance could be deleted.i2b2-solr
in all the above docker commands with any other name.After running the above command wait until you see i2b2-Solr-Backend has finished starting
printed to the console before you start using the i2b2-Solr-Backend. Depending on the amount of data inside of your i2b2 installation, this initial startup process can take multiple hours/days.
To use it you have the following possibilities:
The URLs to acccess all of them will be printed to the console as soon as the image-instance has finished starting.
Please note that all of the listed possibilities only support a small subset of the features you would get from their equivalents provided by the standard i2b2 installation.
The following environment variables can be optionally set to use this image with a custom i2b2 installation:
could be used to specify the address of your MSSQL-Server. This variable defaults to the IP-Address (as seen from within the docker container) of the machine on which the docker run
command is executed.
could be used to specify the port of your MSSQL-Server and defaults to 1433
could be used to specify the name of your CRC-database and defaults to i2b2demodata
could be used to specify the username to connect to your CRC-database and defaults to i2b2demodata
could be used to specify the password to connect to your CRC-database and defaults to demouser
could be used to specify the name of your ONT-database and defaults to i2b2metadata
could be used to specify the username to connect to your ONT-database and defaults to i2b2metadata
could be used to specify the password to connect to your ONT-database and defaults to demouser
could be set to either true
or false
to indicate, whether a preconfigured i2b2 Web Client should be installed into the docker-container. It defaults to true
Please note, that all these environment variables are only considered during the first startup of an image-instance. Setting or adjusting them later for the same instance won't have any effect.
The Solr installation inside of a container could be accessed at http://<image-instance-ip>:8983/solr
, where <image-instance-ip>
has to be replaced with the ip of your container.
The Solr login credentials are:
(Please note that in the current version of this image these solr credentials can't (and may not) be changed.)
For more information about the work behind this image please visit http://go.uniwue.de/padawan.
docker pull uniwue/i2b2-solr