
By uniwue

Updated about 5 years ago




Deployment/Setup of all ommr4all services

Deployment-Setup with Docker

You can setup OMMR4all using docker and docker-compose.

Initial setup
  1. Download and install docker-ce and docker-compose for your platform.
  2. Download the docker-compose.yml file.
  3. Open docker-compose.yml and replace ${STORAGE} and the ${PORT} to your wishes (e.g., use /opt/ommr4all-storage and 8001).
  4. Build the container and bring it up:
docker-compose up -d
  1. Create a super user:
docker-compose run /opt/ommr4all/ommr4all-deploy-venv/bin/python /opt/ommr4all/ommr4all-deploy/modules/ommr4all-server/manage.py createsuperuser
  1. docker-compose pull
  2. docker-compuse up

You can run docker image prune -f to clean all previous versions or older images that are currently unused.

Deployment-Setup without docker

Follow the instructions in the Dockerfile. You can also setup a gitlab-runner for automatic deployment (Clone the project on github.com with CI-integration), create a runner with either

  • deployment-production: redeploy if a new (version) tag was added
  • deployment-master: redeploy if the master is updated

Development-Setup (Any operating system)

These instructions are not complete yet.

  1. Download and install all requirements (node>=10, >=python3.6)
  2. Install the IDEs (IntelliJ, or PyCharm and WebStorm)
  3. Create a virtual environment, activate it, and install your desired tensorflow version (e.g., pip install tensorflow_gpu<2)
  4. Install all python submodules (located in the modules directure) but the server: python setup.py install.
  5. Install the server requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  6. Open the ommr4all-client directory in WebStorm and launch the Angluar CLI Server.
  7. Open the ommr4all-sever directory in PyCharm and launch the Django Server.
  8. In WebStorm launch the Angular Application which will open a browser.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull uniwue/ommr4all