PaDaWaN is a multi purpose data warehouse system
To start a PaDaWaN instance, you have to enter
docker run --name padawan -p port:8080 uniwue/padawan:tag
where port
is your local port under which PaDaWaN should become accessible and tag
is one of the tags listed above.
docker run
command, you could stop it by entering docker stop padawan
.docker start padawan
.docker rm padawan
the PaDaWaN instance could be deleted.padawan
in all the above docker commands with any other name.After running the above command wait until you see PaDaWaN has finished starting
printed to the console before start using PaDaWaN.
To use PaDaWaN, a web-based GUI for querying the data warehouse is available at
By default, you could log in using the username demo
and the password demouser
has to be replaced with the port specified in the initial run command.)
The following environment variables can be set to adjust PaDaWaN's configuration:
could be set to either true
or false
to indicate,
whether a dataset for demonstration purposes should be generated and imported into PaDaWaN.
This variable defaults to true
sets the number of patients to be generated, if PADAWAN_LOAD_DEMO_DATA
is set to true
. This variable defaults to 10
specifies the username of the initial user being created to log in to PaDaWaN. The default username is demo
sets the password for the initial PaDaWaN user. The default value is demouser
is being used to specify the name of the initial group, that should be created.
This group has full administrative access to PaDaWaN, and the above-described initial user will be added to this group.
The default group name is DemoGroup
specifies the amount of RAM the Solr server inside the container should use.
Because Solr uses two separate shards, the specified amount of RAM is necessary twice.
The default value is 1g
.Please note that all these environment variables are only considered during the first startup of a PaDaWaN instance. Setting or adjusting them later for the same instance won't have any effect.
If you need direct access to the database used by the PaDaWaN instance,
you will first have
to expose its port during the initial creation of the instance
by adding -p localDBPort:3306
to the above docker run
Replace localDBPort
with your local port where the database should become accessible.
The database can then be accessed with the following login credentials:
(Please note that these database credentials can't (and may not) be changed.)
The image also contains an installation of Adminer.
To access it,
you have to add -p localApachePort:80
to the above docker run
and replace localApachePort
with your local port where Adminer should become accessible.
After that you will be able
to access it at http://localhost:localApachePort/adminer.php
using the database credentials listed above.
PaDaWaN uses a Solr index for an increase of the query processing time.
If you would like to access this index directly,
you have to add -p localSolrPort:8983
to the initial docker run
After that you will be able to access it at http://localhost:localSolrPort/solr
where localSolrPort
has to be replaced with your local port where Solr should become accessible.
The Solr index can then be accessed with the following login credentials:
(Please note that these Solr credentials can't (and may not) be changed.)
For more information about PaDaWaN itself, please visit its official website at https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/is/open-source-tools/padawan-data-query-tool/
docker pull uniwue/padawan