
By unnieshasha

Updated 16 days ago

Simple Minecraft Bedrock server with no mods, easy Docker setup for hassle-free hosting.

Operating Systems


Minecraft Bedrock Server (No Mods) – Simple Docker Build

This is a straightforward Minecraft Bedrock Edition server setup, designed for players who want a no-frills, mod-free experience. Ideal for those looking to host a server with minimal configuration and a simple Docker setup, this server is easy to deploy and manage. Perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy Minecraft in its purest form without the complexity of mods or additional software.

Minecraft Bedrock Server (Docker) – Instructions Running the Container: To run the Minecraft Bedrock server using Docker, use the following command:

Running the Container:

To run the Minecraft Bedrock server using Docker, use the following command:

docker run -dt --name mcbr -p 19132:19132/udp --restart unless-stopped unnieshasha/br:tag

Explanation of the Command:

docker run: Starts the container.

-d: Runs the container in detached mode (background).

-t: Allocates a pseudo-TTY to the container (helpful for interaction).

--name mcbr: Sets the container name to mcbr (you can change this if needed).

-p 19132:19132/udp: Maps UDP port 19132 on the host to the container for Minecraft Bedrock Edition . --restart unless-stopped: Automatically restarts the container unless manually stopped.

unnieshasha/br:tag: The Docker image name and tag to use. Replace tag with the desired version or latest.

Step-by-Step Setup: Pull the Docker Image (if you haven't already):

docker pull unnieshasha/br:tag Replace tag with the image version you want to use (e.g., latest).

Run the Container:

Use the command provided to start the server. This will:

Start the Minecraft Bedrock server in the background.

Bind the server to port 19132 on the host.

Ensure the server restarts automatically if it stops or the system reboots. Example:

docker run -dt --name mcbr -p 19132:19132/udp --restart unless-stopped unnieshasha/br:latest

Check the Container Status:

After running the container, check if it's running using:

docker ps

You should see the mcbr container listed.

Stop the Container (if needed):

To stop the server, run:

docker stop mcbr Restart the Container:

If you need to restart the server, use:

docker restart mcbr

Ports and Access Port 19132: The default port for Minecraft Bedrock Edition multiplayer is 19132. Make sure this port is open on your firewall to allow players to connect.

Customizing the Server: If you want to customize your Minecraft Bedrock server (e.g., change settings, add worlds), you can mount a volume to persist data and modify configuration files.

For example:

docker run -dt --name mcbr -p 19132:19132/udp -v /path/to/local/data:/data --restart unless-stopped unnieshasha/br:latest

This mounts the local directory /path/to/local/data to the container's /data directory, where the Minecraft server's world and settings are stored.

Additional Information For more configuration options, refer to the Minecraft Bedrock server documentation for details on world settings, server properties, and other advanced configurations.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull unnieshasha/br