Resume Builder with JWT Auth
Fix: Disable refresh token for inactive user(
Add the refresh token to the outstanding db after refreshing(
The Resume API provides a platform for users to create and manage their resumes. It supports account creation, issues JWT tokens needed for resume management, and enforces a throttling limit of 200 requests per day for all user types. Users can create, update, and delete their resumes through this API.
Note: To enhance security, JWTs are now actively managed:
Token Blacklisting: JWTs can be blacklisted, preventing their further use.
Scheduled Token Deletion: Blacklisted tokens are automatically deleted after 1 day. This process is managed by a scheduled task that runs daily at 00:00 UTC, utilizing Celery Beat for scheduling and Celery Worker for task execution. Redis serves as the message broker, and the database backend stores task results.
Follow these instructions to set up and run the API:
Install Dependencies:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Helper Commands:
python flush
python reset_db
python clean_pyc
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createcachetable
python migrate django_celery_beat
python migrate django_celery_results
python runserver 8000
ngrok http 8000
celery -A resume_api worker --reload --pool=solo --loglevel=info
celery -A resume_api beat --loglevel=info
To build and start the API using Docker, follow these steps:
Build and Start the Containers:
docker-compose up --build
Visit the API at http://localhost:8000/api/schema/swagger-ui/.
docker pull user620/resume_api