
By vaxtor

Updated 3 months ago

Ubuntu Noble image with vaxtorlpr ready to go

Internet of Things
Machine Learning & AI


Vaxtor LPR

This Docker image provides an easy way to deploy and run Vaxtor’s License Plate Recognition (VaxtorLPR) application. The application requires a valid license key for operation and offers multiple configurations to suit testing, production, and persistent data needs.

Quick Start

To quickly test the application, use the following command. This command starts the container, applies the license specified in <productkey>, and exposes the application on port 8443. Note that this method does not persist any data or configuration once the container is stopped.

docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -e PRODUCT_KEY=<productkey> vaxtor/vaxtorlpr

After running this command, the application will be accessible at https://<containerip>:8443.

  • The above setup is intended for testing purposes only. Data, configuration, and license information will not persist once the container is stopped.

Persistent Licensing

To retain the license across container restarts, mount a persistent volume for the license as follows:

docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -e PRODUCT_KEY=<productkey> -v vaxtorlpr-lic:/var/hasplm vaxtor/vaxtorlpr

This command stores the license in the vaxtorlpr-lic volume, allowing it to persist even if the container is recreated.

Using a License Server

If you prefer to use a license server instead of applying a local license, set the LICENSE_SERVER_ADDR environment variable with the IP address of your license server:

docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -e LICENSE_SERVER_ADDR= vaxtor/vaxtorlpr

This command will consume the license from the license server

Persistent Configuration

To retain the application’s configuration across container restarts, mount a persistent volume for the configuration as follows:

docker run -it --rm -p 8443:8443 -e PRODUCT_KEY=<productkey> -v vaxtorlpr-config:/etc/vaxtorlpr vaxtor/vaxtorlpr

Full Persistence (License and Configuration)

To ensure that both the license and configuration persist, use the following setup:

docker run -d -p 8443:8443 -e PRODUCT_KEY=<productkey> -v vaxtorlpr-config:/etc/vaxtorlpr -v vaxtorlpr-lic:/var/hasplm --name vaxtorlpr vaxtor/vaxtorlpr

This command will:

  • Keep the container running as a named instance (vaxtorlpr).
  • Persist both the license and configuration in the specified volumes.
Start and Stop the Container

Once the container has been started with a persistent setup, it can be controlled as follows:

docker start vaxtorlpr
docker stop vaxtorlpr

License Volume Sharing

The vaxtorlpr-lic volume can be shared among multiple containers on the same host. However, only one container can actively use the license at a time. If you start a new container using the shared license volume while another container is running, the license will not function in the new container. To switch usage, stop the currently running container before starting a new one that uses the vaxtorlpr-lic volume.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull vaxtor/vaxtorlpr