This is the Dockerized version of the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark.
This is the Dockerized version of the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark.
docker run -v "$PWD:/app/data" vcity/bsbm generate [args]
docker run -v "$PWD:/app/data" vcity/bsbm generate-n [args]
docker run -v "$PWD:/app/data" vcity/bsbm qualification [args]
docker run -v "$PWD:/app/data" vcity/bsbm testdriver [args]
If you want more information about the different arguments, please refer to the original documentation.
docker run vcity/bsbm generate -help
docker run vcity/bsbm generate-n -help
docker run vcity/bsbm qualification -help
docker run vcity/bsbm testdriver -help
$PWD is the directory where the data will be stored. You can change it to any directory you want.
docker pull vcity/bsbm