
By vicknesh

Updated 3 months ago

Base docker image for custom applications

Developer Tools



Base docker alpine image with s6-overlay for custom applications.


Base docker image which prepares the environment for loading custom applications. It allows creating users with custom PUID and PGID, and configuring related applications into a single container.

The default user is named exia with the UID 1000 and 1000. Setting PUID and PGID as an environment variable during container launch will re-create this user with the new UID and GID. The home folder for this user is /exia, and the recommended base path for storing all application data.

To set the timezone, set the environment variable TZ with the proper zones.

Mount your own CA certificates folder to the image (/etc/ssl/certs) to verify connection of external services (if needed). If using custom CA, remember to add the root CA to the /etc/ssl/certs in the image as file.

On Ubuntu


On Archlinux


Docker Pull Command

docker pull vicknesh/base