As a collaborator at Vox Pupuli we have basically two different kinds of main tasks:
We currently have a few tools for those jobs:
Collaborators review a lot of code in many pull requests. But there are even more pull requests that are open but don't need any attention. A collaborator spends a lot of time to figure out which pull request actually needs attention.
One of the goals of this project is to provide a proper UI that displays filtered pull requests. Some examples:
It's not required to review code in a pull request if a merge conflict exists. If the PR is properly labeled, we can exclude it from the UI. The service gets notifications from GitHub for each activity on a PR. If a conflict appears, a label will be added. It will also automatically be removed if the conflict disappears after a rebase.
Instead of dealing with all open PRs over and over, collaborators can spend their time to reviewing pull requests that actually need it.
Some more examples are documented as open issues, in particular issue 4
This is the second big tasks for collaborators. Update dependencies in metadata.json files, allow new Puppet versions, drop legacy Operating Systems. There are many many tasks that collaborators do from time to time and this project tries to make it as easy as possible or even automate stuff where it's suitable.
You can currently access a beta version at voxpupu.li. This is a MVP that we redeploy with enhancements every few days at the moment. The app uses GitHubs OAuth for authentication:
The application is developed by Robert 'flipez' Müller and Tim 'bastelfreak' Meusel. The current OAuth app is registed to their personal account but will soon be migrated to the Vox Pupuli GitHub organisation. You do not need to grant the application access to any repository. This OAuth setup is only used to authenticate the user.
In the future it's possible to restrict the login or certain features to people that are members of specific GitHub organisations or teams. We didn't want to reimplement a whole usermanagement so we rely on GitHub OAuth.
After the login, you see the following page:
Each yak shaving task is a row. It's prefixed with the number of modules that are in this category. For example:
You can click on each PR. The app displays all the information that GitHub provides. It will also list open pull requests. It will be possible to filter this. The filtering will also work for all open pull requests in a namespace. The design and scope is currently discussed and implemented in Issue #4.
Besides being an OAuth application, this Ruby on Rails website is also a registered GitHub Application. This means that GitHub sends notifications for user interactions to the Rails app. The app gets information about every new pull request, new label, new code or comments in a pull request and much more. We currently store those notifications in a self hosted Sentry. The displayed data in the frontend comes from polling the GitHub API and from analysing the notifications. In the future we all add more automisation to the app, which will be based on the notifications. Use cases for automisation are discussed and developed at:
Other open issues might also be good candidates for live interactions based on notifications. Please comment the open issues or raise new ones if you have crazy ideas.
We aim to automate different use cases. Each usecase gets a dedicated milestone at GitHub to track the issues and pull requests.
At the moment, the application handles appearing and disappearing merge
conflicts. Since
PR #35 went live, we
are able to detect if a Pull request went from a mergeable into a non-mergeable
state. In this case we check if the label merge-conflicts
is present in the
repository. Afterwards we add it to the pull request.
Also our bot Account adds a comment to the pull request. GitHub does not send notifications to the author whe a label was added, but for comments.
People heavily depend on labels for their daily collaborator work. To ensure that they can use the correct labels, this App tracks an authoritative list of:
The application ensures that all those labels are configured in all repositories.
This is all managed in one yaml file.
Update the file to automatically update all labels in a repository. This app does not remove labels that aren't in the yaml. It just ensures that all labels from the yaml file are present in the repositories.
Future work: The yaml already supports aliases for labels. The idea is that the app searches for labels in repositories with an alias. Matching labels could be renamed to the correct one.
To start the app locally, do the following (assumes that you've ruby, bundler and yarn available, also redis needs to be started):
git clone git@github.com:voxpupuli/vox-pupuli-tasks.git
cd vox-pupuli-tasks
bundle install --jobs $(nproc) --with development test --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(bundle exec rails secret)
bundle exec rails assets:precompile
# somehow generate config/master.key
RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec foreman start
Secrets are stored as an encrypted yaml file. You can edit them by doing:
bundle exec rails credentials:edit
This only works properly if one od the developers sent you the /config/master.key
Foreman will take care of the actual rails application, but it will also start sidekiq.
The production setup is a homage to microservices:
The setup is deployed as docker microservices. This repository contains a docker-compose.yaml for this.
We deploy multiple containers:
This is a webinterface for Elasticsearch. The service is available at localhost:9001. We highly suggest that you deploy an nginx in front of it with proper TLS certiicates. To access the elasticsearch container, you can use this URL:
The docker-compose.yaml
sets elasticsearch
as FQDN for the container.
We use the semantic logger to log all rails data to elasticsearch. Logs are important, and writing them to a file in a container is a bad idea.
Kibana is our frontend for elasticsearch. It's available at localhost on port 5601.
ToDo: Describe how we forward errors to Sentry
As mentioned in the usage section, this Ruby on Rails application can be registered as a GitHub App. To do this, a few things need to be configured.
User authorization callback URL
The full URL to redirect to after a user authorizes an installation. For our instance this is https://voxpupu.li/auth/github/callback
Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation
Requests that the installing user grants access to their identity during installation of the application.
This allows us to validate if a user is in a specific GitHub organisation or Team.
Webhook URL
Events will POST to this URL. For our instance this is https://voxpupu.li/incoming/github
Sadly, we require Administration
access with Read and write
. It will allow
us to add labels to a project.
We need Read and write
access to issues because we add/remove labels to pull
requests and also comment on them. More information can be found at
the GitHub developer docs.
(For GitHub, a pull request is a specific issue. That's why pull request
permissions ar handled on the issue endpoints).
The same applies for the Pull requests. More information can be found at the GitHub developer docs
We also need to tell GitHub which events we would like to get:
API docs for:
We have a helpful rake task available to run a ruby linter. It will inform you about styleguide violations. Please execute it before you provide a pull request:
bundle exec rake rubocop
This will execute the linter. You can also advice him to automatically fix things (works often, but not on all issues):
bundle exec rake rubocop::auto_correct
We constantly improve our codebase. We adjusted a few rubocop cops to relax the default configuration. Also sometimes we need to merge important changes that violate the current rubocop config. For such situations we need to run
bundle exec rubocop --auto-gen-config
Among all the stuff we validate is also a check for supported operating systems
in the metadata.json
file in a Puppet module. Sometimes a new version
is released.
We need to update the checks. Currently, we need to adjust two places, the version array and the messages that are displayed in the UI:
The array:
diff --git a/config/initializers/voxpupuli.rb b/config/initializers/voxpupuli.rb
index 14b0459..cc4f26e 100644
--- a/config/initializers/voxpupuli.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/voxpupuli.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ PUPPET_SUPPORT_RANGE = '>= 5.5.8 < 7.0.0'
# https://github.com/camptocamp/facterdb/pull/82#event-1600066178
UBUNTU_SUPPORT_RANGE = ['16.04', '18.04'].freeze
DEBIAN_SUPPORT_RANGE = [8, 9, 10].freeze
-CENTOS_SUPPORT_RANGE = [6, 7].freeze
+CENTOS_SUPPORT_RANGE = [6, 7, 8].freeze
FREEBSD_SUPPORT_RANGE = [11, 12].freeze
FEDORA_SUPPORT_RANGE = [29, 30, 31].freeze
and the messages:
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index bbd6c7a..098d987 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ en:
description: We support Debian 8, 9 and 10. Modules in here don't support Debian 10.
title: Supports a end of life CentOS
- description: We support CentOS 6 and 7. Modules in here support a end of life version (< CentOS 6)
+ description: We support CentOS 6, 7 and 8. Modules in here support a end of life version (< CentOS 6)
title: Does not support latest CentOS
- description: We support CentOS 6 and 7. Modules in here don't support CentOS 7.
+ description: We support CentOS 6, 7 and 8. Modules in here don't support CentOS 8.
title: Missing in plumbing
description: Is missing in plumbing
title: Need another sync
This project is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3
This project is sponsored by Hetzner Cloud. They provide us with free cloud instances to host the application.
Are you interested as well in sponsoring parts of the Vox Pupuli organisation? Get in touch with the Project Management Committee.
docker pull voxpupuli/vox-pupuli-tasks