
By vpetersson

Updated almost 9 years ago

Dockerized NodeBB with support for MongoDB ReplicaSet.



Dockerized NodeBB

It's possible to run NodeBB against a MongoDB ReplicaSet, but it requires a bit of extra work. This container simplifies the process.


Import initial database

By default, NodeBB requires you to manually run a setup script (node app --setup) to initialize the database. For many cases, this is fine. If however you want to do this in an automated fashion, here's a sample database that you can import.

$ docker run --rm mongo bash -c "\
  apt-get -q update && \
  apt-get -q install -y curl && \
  curl -o /nodebb_sample.tgz https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vpetersson/docker-nodebb/master/sample/nodebb_sample.tgz && \
  tar xvfz /nodebb_sample.tgz -C /tmp && \
  mongorestore --host rs0/node0,node1,node2 /tmp/dump"

Please do however note that the credentials for the admin account is in the database, so you should update them immediately after importing the database.

The hard coded credentials are:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: password
Start a container
$ docker run \
    -e DBSERVERS=node0,node1,node2 \
    -e SECRET=abc123 \
    -p 4567:4567 \


  • DBSERVERS is a comma separated list of MongoDB servers (ReplicaSet)
  • SECRET is the secret used in NodeBB

Docker Pull Command

docker pull vpetersson/nodebb