Janitor for Azure ResourceGroups and Resources based on ttl tag and Deployments based on TTL and limit.
Normally no configuration is needed but can be customized using environment variables.
Environment variable | DefaultValue | Description |
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | empty | Azure Subscription IDs (empty for auto lookup) |
DRYRUN | empty | DryRun (non deleting mode) |
SERVER_BIND | :8080 | IP/Port binding for metrics and healthcheck |
JANITOR_INTERVAL | 1h | How often Azure Janitor should cleanup the subscriptions (time.Duration) |
JANITOR_TAG | ttl | Resource tag name for ttl value (non deleting mode) |
JANITOR_RESOURCE_APIVERSION | 2019-03-01 | API version for Azure Resource deletion |
JANITOR_DISABLE_RESOURCEGROUPS | false | Enable/Disable Azure ResourceGroup clearing |
JANITOR_DISABLE_RESOURCES | false | Enable/Disable Azure Resource clearing |
JANITOR_DISABLE_DEPLOYMENTS | false | Enable/Disable Azure Deployment clearing |
JANITOR_FILTER_RESOURCES | empty | Additional Azure REST API $filter for Azure ResourceGroups |
JANITOR_FILTER_RESOURCEGROUPS | empty | Additional Azure REST API $filter for Azure Resources |
JANITOR_DEPLOYMENT_TTL | 8760h | TTL (Expiry) for Azure ResourceGroup Deployments |
JANITOR_DEPLOYMENT_LIMIT | 700 | Limit (count) of Azure ResourceGroup Deployments per ResourceGroup (Azure limit: 800) |
for Azure API authentication (using ENV vars) see https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go#authentication
By default the Azure Janitor is using ttl
as tag to trigger a cleanup if the resource is expired.
Supported absolute timestamps
Supported relative timestamps (tag will be updated with absolute timestamp as soon it's found)
Metric | Type | Description |
azurejanitor_duration | Gauge | Duration of cleanup run in seconds |
azurejanitor_resources_ttl | Gauge | List of Azure resources and resourcegroups with labels and expiry timestamp as value |
azurejanitor_resources_deleted | Counter | Number of deleted resources (by resource type) |
azurejanitor_errors | Counter | Number of failed deleted resources (by resource type) |
docker pull webdevops/azure-janitor