Bagisto is a hand-tailored laravel e-commerce framework built on some of the hottest opensource technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework.
Install the latest available Docker version and its dependencies according to your OS version. Refer to the link https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#prerequisites. Check if your user has access privileges to run docker commands.
################## For Bagisto version 2.2.2 (Latest Version) ############################
Please follow the below steps to set up Bagisto in docker.
Pull Bagisto docker image using the below command
docker pull webkul/bagisto:2.2.2
Run a new container using the below command
docker run -it -d --name test -p 80:80 webkul/bagisto:2.2.2
After the container is up, open your URL on the browser
Use the below details for your admin login username and password
Username: admin@example.com Password: admin123 Database Name : bagisto Username: root Password: root
For Bagisto 1.5.1
Please follow the below steps to set up Bagisto in docker.
Pull Bagisto docker image using the below command
docker pull webkul/bagisto:1.5.1
Run a new container using the below command
docker run -it -d --name test -p 80:80 webkul/bagisto:1.5.1
After the container is up, open your URL on the browser
Use the below details for your admin login username and password
Username: admin@example.com Password: admin123
Database Name : bagisto Username: root Password: root
############################################## For Bagisto version 1.4.5
Please follow the below steps to set up Bagisto in docker.
Pull Bagisto docker image using the below command
docker pull webkul/bagisto:1.4.5
Run a new container using the below command
docker run -it -d --name test -p 80:80 webkul/bagisto:1.4.5
After the container is up, open your URL on the browser
Use the below details for your admin login username and password
Username: admin@example.com Password: admin123
Database Name : bagisto Username: root Password: root
For bagisto version : 1.3.2
Install the latest available Docker version and its dependencies according to your OS version. Refer to the link https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#prerequisites.
Check if your user has access privileges to run docker commands.
Check if your user has access privileges to run docker commands.
Docker environment variables
Please follow the below steps to setup bagisto in docker.
Pull Bagisto docker image using the below command
docker pull webkul/bagisto:1.3.2
Run a new container using the below command
docker run -tidp 80:80 -p 3306:3306 -p 2222:22 --name bagisto -e USER_PASSWORD=yourpassword -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yourpassword -e MYSQL_DATABASE=yourdbname webkul/bagisto:1.3.2
You can start a new container without mentioning the environment variables. In this case default value "bagisto" will be assigned to these environment variables.
docker run -tidp 80:80 -p 3306:3306 -p 2222:22 --name bagisto
Sometimes port 80 and 3306 conflict with apache and mysql service running on host. In this case, you can use custom port
docker run -tidp custom_port:80 -p custom_port:3306 -p custom_port:22 --name bagisto
After the container is up, open your bagisto link in browser and complete the installation process.
http://yourip or http://yourip:custom_port
Use below details in environment configuration
Database Connection : Mysql
Database Hostname :
Database Port : 3306 or custom port if defined while running the container
Database Name : value set in MYSQL_DATABASE (Default value : bagisto)
Database Username : root
Database Password : value set in MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD (Default value : bagisto)
If you have any issues, contact us at support@bagisto.com or raise ticket at https://webkul.uvdesk.com/ OR visit laravel Development Company
Thank you.
docker pull webkul/bagisto