
By webkul

Updated over 1 year ago

UVdesk is a web-based helpdesk and customer support ticketing system.



What is UVdesk?

UVdesk is a web-based helpdesk and customer support ticketing system. It is designed to streamline customer support operations and facilitate efficient communication between businesses and their customers. UVdesk offers a range of features and tools to manage and resolve customer inquiries, support tickets, and provide timely assistance.

Some key features of UVdesk include:

  1. Ticket Management: UVdesk provides a centralized platform for managing customer support tickets.

  2. Email Integration: UVdesk integrates with popular email services, allowing you to convert customer emails into support tickets.

  3. Knowledge Base: UVdesk enables the creation and management of a knowledge base, which serves as a self-help resource for customers.

  4. Automation and Workflow: UVdesk offers automation features to streamline support processes.

  5. Customer Portal: UVdesk provides a dedicated customer portal where customers can log in, view and manage their support tickets, access their conversation history.

  6. Collaboration and Agent Productivity: UVdesk allows support agents to collaborate on resolving customer issues by assigning tickets, adding internal notes, and sharing information within the platform.

Deploy UVdesk with Docker


Install latest available Docker version and its dependencies according to your OS version. Refer to link https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/.

Also, check if your user has access privileges to run docker commands.

How to run this image?

In the UVdesk docker image architecture, we are using:

Ubuntu 20.04

PHP 8.2

MySQL Server 8.0

We can use external MySql database as well and for local MySql database we just need to start the MySql service using the command given below inside the docker container:

service mysql restart

Default local MySql credentials are given below:

username - root
password - uvdesk

To begin with

Pull docker image from docker hub by running the command given below

docker pull webkul/uvdesk

After pulling the image, run your container by specifying ports and arguments as:

docker run -dit -v uvdesk_data:/var/www:rw -p 85:80 --name UVDesk webkul/uvdesk

To access your docker container execute the command given below:

docker exec -ti <container id> bash


If you want to change the APP_ENV key in /var/www/uvdesk/.env from dev to prod when done testing to remove symfony profiler bar.

Getting Support

If you have any issues or queries, contact us at support@uvdesk.com

Thank you.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull webkul/uvdesk