
By wger

Updated 1 day ago

This simply installs all common dependencies for the other wger images



Development image for wger - Base image

This is the base image for some of the other wger images and offers no functionality, it's only use is to provide some common dependencies.

If you want to develop, try wger/server.


Feel free to contact us if you found this useful or if there was something that didn't behave as you expected. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug anyway.


All the code and the content is freely available:


The application is licenced under the Affero GNU General Public License 3 or later (AGPL 3+).

The initial exercise and ingredient data is licensed additionally under one of the Creative Commons licenses, see the individual exercises for more details.

The documentation is released under a CC-BY-SA either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Some images where taken from Wikipedia, see the SOURCES file in their respective folders for more details.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull wger/base