wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that help you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility. It offers a REST API as well, for easy integration with other projects and tools.
Please note that this image will overwrite your data when you pull a new version, it is only intended as an easy to setup demo. If you want to host your own instance, take a look at the provided docker compose file. That config will persist your database and uploaded images:
This docker image contains an instance of the application running as a WSGI process under apache with a sqlite database. It is useful to just try it out and play around. To start it:
docker run -ti --name wger.demo --publish 8000:80 wger/demo
Then just open http://localhost:8000 and log in as: admin, password adminadmin
To stop the container:
sudo docker container stop wger.apache
To start developing again:
sudo docker container start --attach wger.apache
If you build this yourself, keep in mind that you must build from the project root!
docker build -f extras/docker/demo/Dockerfile --tag wger/demo .
Feel free to contact us if you found this useful or if there was something that didn't behave as you expected. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug anyway.
All the code and the content is freely available:
The application is licenced under the Affero GNU General Public License 3 or later (AGPL 3+).
The initial exercise and ingredient data is licensed additionally under one of the Creative Commons licenses, see the individual exercises for more details.
The documentation is released under a CC-BY-SA either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Some images where taken from Wikipedia, see the SOURCES file in their respective folders for more details.
docker pull wger/demo