Automatic build for WT flavored girder
Data Management Platform
Girder is a free and open source web-based data management platform developed by
Kitware <https://kitware.com>
_ as part of the Resonant <http://resonant.kitware.com>
data and analytics ecosystem.
Documentation of the Girder platform can be found at https://girder.readthedocs.io.
For questions, comments, or to get in touch with the maintainers, head to our Discourse forum <https://discourse.girder.org>
, or use our Gitter Chatroom <https://gitter.im/girder/girder>
We'd love for you to contribute to Girder <CONTRIBUTING.rst>
Make sure you have a local copy with submodule initialized:
.. code::
git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 git@github.com:whole-tale/girder.git
Steps to trigger a new build and a deployment @ .dev.wholetale.org
.. code::
cd girder/plugins/wholetale # or any other plugin that needs a bump
git pull origin master
cd ..
git commit -a -m "Bump plugin (whole-tale/girder-wholetale#12345)"
git push origin master
.. |logo| image:: clients/web/static/img/Girder_Favicon.png
.. |kitware-logo| image:: https://www.kitware.com/img/small_logo_over.png :target: https://kitware.com :alt: Kitware Logo
.. |license-badge| image:: docs/license.png :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/girder :alt: License
docker pull wholetale/girder