
By williamyeh

Updated over 4 years ago

Docker container running grpc-mock



Mock GRPC Server


Repository name in GitHub Container Registry: ghcr.io/william-yeh/grpc-mock

This repository can be used to build a docker image that leverages grpc-mock (https://github.com/YoshiyukiKato/grpc-mock) to provide a mock gRPC server that can be utilized for testing.


To utilize this image protobuf file(s) must be supplied as well as a node.js file to create the server. There is an example in the example directory.

Example Mock Server

To run the example you can use the following docker command:

docker run -tid \
  --name mock --rm -p 50051:50051 \
  -v $(pwd)/example:/proto \
  ghcr.io/william-yeh/grpc-mock /proto/mock.js

Example Client

The utility grpcurl can be used to test the mock server using the following command:

grpcurl -proto example/greeter.proto \
  -plaintext \
  -d '{"message": "Hello"}' \
  localhost:50051 greeter.Greeter/Hello

Other Examples

In the example directory there is input samples for the streaming requests to use these files you can issue commands similar to the following (substituting the appropriate input file and method name):

cat example/chat-1.json | grpcurl -proto example/greeter.proto \
  -plaintext -d @ localhost:50051 greeter.Greeter/Chat

Useful Environment Variables

To enable debugging information when running the mock server the following environment variables can be set when starting the mock server container:



This repo was originally forked from ciena/docker-grpc-mock on May 2020, which was based on node:8.16-alpine.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull williamyeh/grpc-mock