Sbt image for Docker (jdk 1.7.0 + sbt)
Repository name in Docker Hub: williamyeh/sbt
This repository contains Dockerized sbt, published to the public Docker Hub via automated build mechanism.
This docker image contains the following software stack:
OS: Debian jessie.
Java: Oracle JDK 1.7.0
Sbt: 0.13.8 (see tag list for details)
0.7 - Move sbt out of original williamyeh/scala repository to avoid redundancy ("By default, sbt will build projects with the same version of Scala used to run sbt itself.")
0.6 - Install sbt manually instead of deb.
0.5 - Support version tags.
0.4 - Fix APT dependency: openjdk-6-jre --> oracle-java7-installer.
0.3 - Change the Java dependency from pulse00/java to williamyeh/java7.
0.2 - This repository was forked from pulse00/scala.
If you prefer a minimalistic Oracle JDK container on top of busybox rather than Debian 8 ("Jessie"), below are some alternatives:
SBT with specific version of Scala:
SBT with default version of Scala:
docker run -v $(pwd):/app williamyeh/sbt ...
docker pull williamyeh/sbt