A minimal wrk image (less than 10 MB): Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
Repository name in Docker Hub: williamyeh/wrk
This repository contains Dockerized wrk, published to the public Docker Hub via automated build mechanism.
This docker image contains the following software stack:
Alpine 3
Basic libgcc stuff.
Total image size is less than 10 MB.
4.0.2 - Change base image from scratch
to williamyeh/ansible:mini-alpine3
(beginning from williamyeh/wrk:4.0.2
4.0.1 - Change base image from debian:jessie
to scratch
(beginning from williamyeh/wrk:4.0.1
1.2 - Add: demo screencast.
1.1 - Add: VOLUME /data
for Lua script file.
1.0 - Initial release.
Pull all versions:
$ docker pull williamyeh/wrk
Pull specific version:
$ docker pull williamyeh/wrk:4.0.2
See the following screencast for a simple comparison between native vs. Dockerized versions of wrk: http://youtu.be/bXF6blDP0s0
Show usage
$ docker run --rm williamyeh/wrk
Script example
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data \
williamyeh/wrk \
-s script.lua http://www.google.com/
More examples
Digital Ocean has a great introduction to this utility: How To Benchmark HTTP Latency with wrk on Ubuntu 14.04
docker pull williamyeh/wrk