Xray is a platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
It secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy.
Docker images are built for quick deployment in various computing cloud providers.
For more information on docker and containerization technologies, refer to official document.
If you need to install docker by yourself, follow the official installation guide.
docker run -d -p 443:443 --name xray --restart=always wimotek/xray
Warning: 443端口不能被占用,并且防火墙放行此端口.
将下面文字中 你的服务器IP或域名 替换成你自己的就可以了. 其中 你的备注 按需替换
复制修改好这行文字. 在passwall或者v2rayNG等客户端中添加节点, 点导入分享的URL 粘贴, 保存 就完成配置了.
docker exec -it xray ./root/set.sh id
docker exec -it xray ./root/set.sh cert
docker exec -it xray ./root/set.sh
服务器上运行, 记下新的id或公钥,修改客户端对应设置.
docker pull wimotek/xray